I've had this question a lot recently, Hyrox & CrossFit, are they the same thing? Why would you choose one over the other? So lets deep dive π
What's the difference?
The simple distinction is that Hyrox is one specific workout that tests a range of different movements.
Whereas CrossFit is a training methodology that tests multiple fitness disciplines, from strength training, to bodyweight training and endurance (including workouts such as Hyrox).
Which is best?
It has been said that the best exercise is the one you will stick to! So, firstly, find the one you enjoy. However, if we think about the best as the style of training objectively leads to greater overall fitness, its CrossFit.
By doing CrossFit, you also will train movements that will prepare you for a Hyrox, including running, wall balls, burpees etc... but the opposite is not true.
By training for a Hyrox, you become a specialist, and this would not prepare you for all the demands of CrossFit. For example, Olympic Weightlifting is known for building strength, power and athleticism, this is one element of CrossFit that would not be part of a Hyrox athletes training.
Your standard CrossFit athlete that wants to take part in a Hyrox workout would benefit from some specific practice for the sled push/pulls, as well as more running, as Hyrox is a running biased event.
Specialization vs Variation
Both CrossFit and Hyrox can be considered as Fitness Racing. The difference is specialization.
Hyrox is a specialized event:
1K Ski, 1K Run, 50m Sled Push, 1K Run, 50m Sled Pull, 1K Run, 80m Burpee Broad Jump, 1K Run, 1K Row, 1K Run, 200m KB Farmer Carry, 1K Run, 100m Sandbag Lunge, 1K Run, 100 Wall Balls
CrossFit is a constantly varied training methodology:
"Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.
Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow.
Routine is the enemy.
Keep workouts short and intense!
Regularly learn and play new sports"
Which one is best for you?
The one you enjoy is likely the one you stick to, and consistency will ultimately get the best results. But objectively CrossFit leads to better general fitness (this is the whole goal of CrossFit), whereas Hyrox leads to a specialised fitness that lends itself to endurance, and in particular running.
This might be your idea of fun, or you might want more variation.
Or like many CrossFit members, see Hyrox as one of the many possible events you can take part in if you have the broad base of fitness that we aim for, you might like both!